Distance: 50.5 km
Time: 2:03
Speed: 24.5 k/hr
Ascent: 232 m
Weather: sunny and hot
Flats: none
Bathroom: 7.5
A short, flat, ez ride today. Sometimes you have to ride longer or shorter than you would prefer just to find a campsite. Today was one of those shorter ones. But, it was a good one! Dave and I used today as a bit of an errand day - looking for sunscreen and bike chain degreaser. Just outside the drugstore, I asked a woman where a coffee shop was. She explained to me that this was a very small village and they didn't have a coffee shop other than Tim Hortons but they did have a little Bistro. We said that was perfect so she gave us directions and we headed off down the road. A few minutes later a car pulled up beside Dave (on the shoulder side!), the same woman showing Dave the Bistro was across the street. I was about 200m further along the road when I heard a car honking and then pulling in front of me - the same woman telling me that I missed the Bistro and had to go back. When Dave caught up she said "she was speeding, you would have never caught her,". So we go to the bistro and find it's closed and end up at Tim Hortons after all, sitting on a bench by the drive thru. And wouldn't you know it - the same woman drives through and said "you didn't go.,". We all had a good laugh. Then, shortly before our campground we stopped at a bakery to buy a pie for dessert and Dave was asking where a road was. There was a customer in the bakery who overheard the conversation and as I was standing outside waiting for Dave, this customer pulls up again on his motorcycle. He had driven off to find out where the road we were looking for was and then came back to tell us.
Two random acts of kindness from perfect strangers in New Brunswick! We live in a wonderful country!
Ride on,
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